PROVIA Visiting Fellow will spend four weeks for the residential program at the host institution in Bangladesh, Ghana, and China. Up to five awards will be given. Each of those covers living allowance and travel costs for the duration of the program.

About PROVIA Visiting Fellowship Program

World Climate is a big discussion in United Nations general assembly. Experts from across the world are invited to provide solutions to the world problem. I know am speaking to someone right? Imagine if you are the one. See Your passion can drive you around the world. This is an opportunity that can make your dreams come true. PROVA, in partnership with START, introduces a new and exciting opportunity for young professionals and researchers to engage in PROVIA through the PROVIA Visiting Fellows Programme. This PROVIA Visiting Fellowship Programme announcement is for the program’s inaugural round and invites young professionals and researchers from Africa and Asia to apply.

Level/Field of Study

This is a four weeks residential program for research on climate change.

Host Nationality

The program will be taken in Bangladesh, Ghana, and China. You can also check our scholarship by country category for more scholarship updates. A must-read if you want to win this award: 15 Important Tips on Winning a Scholarship.

Eligible Nationality

African and Asian students are eligible to apply for the Scholarship. You can also check other international scholarships in 2022.

Scholarship Benefits

PROVIA Visiting Fellowship provides travel (airfare, visa application fee, and airport transfer) and accommodation (housing, daily subsistence allowance) expenses for this fellowship will be covered. Also, Fellows are expected to attend the May 2022 Adaptation Futures Conference in Rotterdam. Fellows’ cost of attendance and conference fees will be covered as part of the fellowship. Mentorship will be provided for an additional six months upon the fellow’s return home.

PROVIA Visiting Fellowship Program Eligibility

The PROVIA Visiting Fellowship Programme is open to professionals and researchers whose work involves designing, implementing, or promoting adaptation solutions.Professional candidates must have at least a Master’s degree in a field related to climate change VIA (e.g. geography, environmental management, environmental policy and economics, climate science, etc.) and 3 years of research or related work experience in adaptation at the time of application.Preference will be given to early career professionals and researchers (i.e. those under 35 years of age who have received graduate degrees [Master’s or PhD] within the last 5 years).The applicant should be able to fully participate in the fellowship as described above.The applicant must select a research theme (see application form) and present a corresponding research idea that addresses an emerging issue regarding adaptation solutions. The thesis or goal, objectives, methods, and what stakeholders will be engaged with (if any) must be clearly articulated.It must describe the expected research and communications outputs.The applicant should specify who the target audience for each output is, and if the output will be research-based, such as a journal article, or policy/practice-oriented.Each fellow is eligible for up to $1500 in research project funding, to be used in the production of research and communications outputs. The applicant must prepare a simple budget and budget justification for up to $1500, demonstrating how these funds would be used to produce the proposed outputs.Selected candidates must possess valid medical insurance for the duration of their stay at the host institution, expiring no less than one month after their return home.

How to Apply for PROVIA Visiting Fellowship Program 2022

Please learn the detailed instruction on the website and application link below.

PROVIA Visiting Fellowship Program 2022 Application Deadline

November annually.

Website and Application Link

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